Newton's Third Law: Exercise and Solution

A football player kicks a ball in midair and brings it from rest up to a speed of 50 m/s in 0.1s.
  1. What acceleration is imparted to the ball?
  2. If the mass of the paper is 0.05 kg, what force does the football player exert on it?
  3. How much force does the ball exert on the football player?
  1. a = Change in Velocity / Time Interval = Δv / Δt = (50/)(0.1) = 500 m/s2
  2. F = m×a = 0.05 kg × 500 = 25 N
  3. Action of the boxer = − Reaction of paper = -25 N. However, the magnitudes of both action and reaction are the same.

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Date of last modification: Summer 2019