Introduction to Profit, Loss and Break-Even


NI = TR − TC
Other important remarks:


Example 1:
Last month, the total revenue of an electronics store in New York City was $60,000. The total costs were $35,000.
Question: Did the store make a profit or loss and by how much? Calculate the profit or loss as a percentage of the total costs?
Based on the formula: NI = TR − TC = $60,000 − $35,000 = $15,000
Since the answer is positive so the store made a profit of $15,000.
Profit or loss as a percentage of TC = Profit or Loss ÷ TC = 15000 ÷ 35000 = 0.4285, which represents %42.85

Example 2

Assume the daily total costs of a small restaurant in San Francisco are $2,000.
Question: How much revenue does the restaurant need to break even?
The restaurant needs revenue of $2,000. So the question is when the total revenue is less than $2,000 the owner will lose money.
It is clear that anything over $2,000 is profit.
So, the restaurant must make $2,000 to break even.

The total profits of a small printing company in Fresno were $50,000 in 2015. The total costs were $70,000.
Question: Calculate the total revenue in 2015 and then calculate the profit as a percentage of TR.
Based on the formula: NI = TR − TC = TR − $70,000 = $50,000; after substitution, TR = $120,000
Profit or loss as a percentage of TR = Profit or Loss ÷ TR = 50,000 ÷ 120,000 = 0.4166, which represents %41.66

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Date of last modification: March 19, 2019